Vista to XP File Sharing

I have a new netbook which is running windows XP. I have it connected to the wireless network in the house which all PC's laptops are connected to.
I am trying to share a folder on my other laptop(which runs Vista) with the new Netbook. The netbook can pick up the location of the shared folder on the laptop but when I try to enter it I get an error saying I do not have permission to access it even though in the file sharing settings the folder is set to share with everyone.
When I set up a folder on the XP drive I was able to access that from the laptop with no problem, It appears to just be accessing the file on the machine running Vista
Any help would be greatly appreciated


I had this problem and I solved it.
Go to the network button from start-programs bar and click right mouse.
go to the properties
you'll see a list sharing and discovery
you must put on the followings:
network discovery ON
files sharing ON
public forlder sharing ON
printer (if you nees some network printer)
but password protected sharing MUST BE OFF
media sharing (i don't know)
before that go to the sharde folder (let's say MOVIES)
click right mouse
than go to SHARE
and see change sharing permission
now you must select from an upper windows from this panel EVERYOANE and add to the bellow permission list
I think you'll manage this
So long