Wireless e-mail

Wireless e-mail

Wireless Email or Push Email for enterprises is an email solution for small handheld platforms that is secure and managed centrally by enterprise server.

Wireless technology adoption has seen a dramatic increase over the past few years. Enhanced security being one of the reasons for this rapid embracement of wireless email among enterprises. Significant productivity gains, improvement in response durations and freedom of mobility were the top drivers for wireless enterprise email investments. Worldwide estimated number of wireless enterprise email users continue to grow at around 40 million currently with projected number of users to grow to approximately 130 million in 2010. Recent spate of mergers and acquisitions have seen a market shift in the strategy of device vendors wanting to integrate enterprise email applications packaged with enterprise ready devices. Smart phones constitute bulk of enterprise wireless devices. Smartphone segment has seen the most rapid year on year growth of more than 45% approximately according to industry estimates. This overall shift in the market is a strategic move towards strengthening enterprise specific handsets and one stop offering for all enterprise needs. As the Enterprise market for wireless email matures, demand for feature-rich email clients with superior features will determine market leadership in this segment. Other Market forces and trends in the wireless segment such as rapid deployment of 3G networks, advances in graphic rich technology, input methods would indirectly touch the segment of wireless enterprise email. We examine the current technology, most popular feature set driving adoption of enterprises with an eye on the future trends and high level requirements that might strengthen tomorrows value proposition for Enterprise users.